Welcome friend — I am always glad to see you here.

my dream company has only
useful♥product FOR USERS

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Inna Danylevska [Guru Quality♥Assurance @2017 - ...] innadanylevska[skype] innadanylevska@gmail.com[mail] facebook.com/ITvolunteerInnaDanylevska/[fb] #ITvolunteersFIRST&FRIENDs[hobby | Go to the Next Page Below] intermediate & QA_manual_Expirience: 4 years[My QATwitterCourseFree: let's google each twitt]

Why should you work with me?
Provide product quality for users| Organize testing proccess | Make bug reports, check lists, test cases| With Trello, Mantis, Asana
[ [Delivering projects in time] , I strive to build a long term relationship and be a trusted IT partner for my clients] , I am constantly improving my processes on the back of customer feedback] , My success defined by doing delivery using short cycles to get feedback earlier and correct the course of action if required] ];

My skills:
Manual QA web & mobile testing. PHP Selenium WebDriver, Mantis, TestLink, Proto.io, Trello.com, Bitly and others | Building as Junior::responsive websites using HTML5, CSS3, JS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Foundation, PHP, OOP, SOLID, Laravel, Postman, Angular, Jest(learning) | RESTful API Application using Laravel and Postman. Blogs. Pet Project | Bug fix[backend] | Setup a website on hosting

Looking forward to collaborate with you ♥ Best wishes, Inna

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