Welcome friend — I am always glad to see you here.

the world in which I enjoy
myself ♥dreams come true

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Inna Danylevska [Guru Volunteer @2020 - ...] innadanylevska[skype] innadanylevska@gmail.com[mail] facebook.com/ITvolunteerInnaDanylevska/[fb] #ITvolunteersFIRST&FRIENDs[hobby | Go to the Next Page Below] intermediate & QA_manual_Expirience: 4 years[My QATwitterCourseFree: let's google each twitt]

Why should you collaborate with #ITvolunteersFIRST&FRIENDs?
Tell here Vault of Reptiloids | Tell here Startup Kotiki | First♥job | Global Spirits | Tell any one form Poltava

Current | Startup Kotiki and Vault of The Future - We help startups for free
Find all the important information | Build a cool team | Comprehend ALL startup wisdom | Find and pitch the right investors


www.youtube.com/c/IgorShoifot[Advices, Reptiloids, VC kitchen, Zakusochnaya, Angel Talks, THE GARAGE & AngelDESC investment clubs]
t.me/vckitchen_chat[We discuss startup issues in the Telegram chat]
startupkotiki.com[Our website with struct of social media euducation content for Unicorn Result]
Looking forward to collaborate with you ♥ Best wishes, Inna and others volunteers

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